OER Resources (all links open in a new window)
Resource databases, search engines, repositories, tool kits, and more:
OERTX is new! Recently, the THECB announced its newly launched OER material repository, which will enhance the quality of online course offerings and reduce the costs of educational materials for students at Texas public and independent institutions of higher education.
OASIS (Openly Available Sources Integrated Search) is a search tool that makes the discovery of open content easier.
SkillsCommon is a free and open online library created by the US Department of Labor's Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training program.
Merlot is a search tool that makes the discovery of open content easier.
Teaching Commons brings together high-quality open educational resources from universities, such as open access textbooks, course materials, lesson plans, and more.
Writing Commons is a free, peer-reviewed open text source for college-level courses that require writing.
Online Writing Lab Excelsior College offers interactive games, quizzes, and videos to help writers understand important concepts about writing.
Academic Earth is a free, online collection of courses and video lectures from universities, including MIT, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and Princeton.
The Orange Grove is the open educational resource repository of Florida, but freely available for use anywhere.
COERIL (Center for Open Educational Resources & Language Learning) is a resource to improve the teaching and learning of foreign languages.
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