ProQuest eBook Central
While many eBooks available from the SRSU Library are aggregated into the SRSU Library's All Library Search discovery service, you may also choose to browse and search for eBooks in specific eBook database collections.
Access ProQuest eBook Central by clicking here or on the image below, or by navigating to Databases A-Z and either searching "eBooks" or navigating directly to the database by name. See a screenshot of the listing in Databases A-Z here:
Everything you need to know (and more) is available from ProQuest eBooks Central's Help Site or ProQuest eBook Central Library Guide.
Tip: The easiest way to manage eBooks on the ProQuest eBooks Central platform is to create and log in to an eBook Central account. This is required for the downloading of eBooks, but not for general access.
Tip: ProQuest eBook Central provides information about how to change the language on their interface. eBooks are available in many languages, including Spanish. See more here.